How Can Online Learning be improved for People with Dyslexia?
My name is Gemma Hinton and I am currently undertaking a research study/thesis as part of my MSc in Enterprise System Software in Waterford Institute of Technology.
As part of my research, I am hoping to determine if designing an online system using usability and accessibility guidelines with the needs of people with Dyslexia in mind will improve usability, accessibility and engagement of online learning for people with Dyslexia.
As part of the study, participants will be required to:
- Complete a quiz before looking at a webpage. If you have not completed this click here
- Look at a webpage and it's content
- Complete a short quiz and fill out a survey/questionnaire
I am looking for people with Dyslexia of ages 12 and above to take part in this study. If you would like to participate, please fill in the details below.
Disclaimer: All data collected will be completely confidential
If you agree to participate in this study, please click here